JOURNAL ARTICLES & ADVERTISEMENTS ______________________________________________
VOLUME 21 JOURNAL - Click here for the complete journal
ARTICLES: ■ A comparison between Phase C and Phase D Growth Tests ■ A cow’s tail: The maternal heritage of Nguni cattle ■ Comparing bigger versus smaller cattle ■ Economic comparison between a weaner calf and long-weaner system ■ Genomic Selection: An an additional tool for enhancing genetic progress ■ Genomics and Single Genes available for Beef Cattle ■ In loving memory of Clive Biggs ■ Is it still an option to assess carcass traits making use of Realt Time Ultrasound scanning technology? ■ List of Nguni Society Members ■ Manure scorecard for free ranging beef cattle ■ National Elite 2024 Platinum Cow Award ■ Optimize the life function of cattle by selecting for adaptability ■ The Nguni Cow as the Ideal Dam Line for Sustainable Beef Production in South Africa ■ The road to economic and financial success
VOLUME 20 JOURNAL - Click here for the complete journal
ARTICLES: ■ A new perspective to grazing management and livestock nutrition - The Rhizosphere ■ Breeding Value Indices for Fertility ■ Detail that matters: LOGIX Computing and Data Security ■ DNA Profiling and Parentage ■ Importance of regulating livestock agents for the producer ■ Make more money with your livestock ■ Nguni’s thrive on maize silage ration in feedlot trial ■ "Paper Cattle" or the Real Thing? ■ Quality Meat for Export ■ Regenerative Grazing for a Resilient Future ■ RPO: New Structure in the primary red meat industry ■ Selection Cattle Breeds for Production ■ Tafelsig Ngunis: Nurturing Excellence in Nguni Cattle Breeding ■ The yellow fat enigma in beef ■ What is an accuracy of an estimated breeding value, and why do we publish it?
■ Amathole Nguni Breeders ■ ARC - LNR ■ Bergalleen ■ Boesmansport Ngunis ■ Bontvoet Ngunis ■ Bothma Ngini ■ Bulela Ngunis ■ Bushkloof Ngunis ■ Doornpoort Boerdery
■ DS Reed & Son ■ East Cape Nguni Club ■ Ganna Ngunis ■ Gariep Ngunis ■ Gelykfontein Stud ■ Hamman Ngunis ■ Heroncliff Nguni Stud ■ Jasonqua Nguni Stud ■ Kalaharn Nguni Klub
■ Karoo Eco Reserve ■ KZN Nguni ■ Landbouweekblad ■ Leeuwdoornpan Nguni Stud ■ Manyenyeza Nguni Stud ■ Matantana Ngunis ■ Matla Ngunis ■ Molatek ■ Nandi Nguni
■ Ngupi Farm Nguni Stud ■ Northern Club ■ Onderberg Nguni Stoet ■ Paradys Ngunis ■ Qhina Ngunis ■ Radford Nguni ■ Rhus Lancea Ngunis ■ Rous Nguni ■ Sentrale Nguni Klub
■ Sparks Ngunis ■ Stockman Bakkie Rails ■ Tafelsig Ngunis ■ Umsenge Ngunis ■ Vleissentraal ■ ZooOmics
VOLUME 19 JOURNAL - Click here for the complete journal
ARTICLES: ■ A comparison between BLUP breeding values and traditional indices ■ From head to tails: The genetic origins of Nguni Cattle from Southern Africa ■ Genomic footprints identified in the Nguni Cattle populations relating to adaptation traits ■ Meat quality: How does hump height play a role? ■ Nguni farming in Australia ■ Selection for meat quality ■ The genetic distance between Nguni and Mashona Animals ■ The how and why of contemporary groups ■ Veld that can mitigate a variable climate ■ What is the issue with the dressing percentage? ■ What livestock farmers need to know about climate change
■ Amajuba Nguni Stud ■ Amathole Nguni Breeders ■ Andreas Viljoen Design ■ Bergalleen Polled Nguni ■ Black Ox Farming ■ Boesmanspoort Ngunis ■ Bushkloof Ngunis ■ Du Plessis Ngunis ■ East Cape Nguni Club ■ FNB
■ Ganna Ngunis ■ Gariep Ngunis ■ Gelkfontein Stud ■ Hamman Ngunis ■ Heroncliff Nguni Stud ■ HZH Trust Ngunis ■ Inkwazi Game Breeders ■ Jasonqua Nguni Stoet ■ Kalahari Nguni Club ■ KZN Elite Nguni Sellers
■ KZN Nguni Club ■ Leeuwdoornpan ■ Manyenyeza Nguni Stud ■ Matatana Ngunis ■ Matla Ngunis ■ Molatek ■ Nandi Nguni ■ Nguni Home Decor ■ Nguni Northern Club ■ Onderberg Nguni Stoet
■ Pannar ■ Paradys Ngunis ■ Qhina Ngunis ■ Rhus Lancea Ngunis ■ Rooikopjes Ngunis ■ Safire Insurance ■ Sparks Ngunis ■ Stern Farming ■ Stryan Nguni Stud ■ Tafelsig Ngunis
■ Tal-Tec ■ Umsenge Ngunis ■ Unam Press ■ Vleissentraal ■ Wild Dreams Nguni Stud ■ ZooOmics
■ Alternative Marketing Strategies for Nguni Cattle ■ Asiatic Redwater in South Africa ■ Cattle production systems and what to consider ■ Frustrated with your record-keeping? ■ Grass-fed beef - the future for Nguni cattle ■ Make every drop of rainwater count - Part 1 ■ Make every drop of rainwater count - Part 2 ■ Marbling ■ Multitrait Selection ■ Putting a biosecurity plan in place ■ Rabies in cattle ■ The need for implementing a traceability system in South Africa ■ What do consumers pay attention to ■ What is genomics? ■ What regenerative farming mean for livestock farmers ■ Yearly breeding is essential
■ The origin and genetic composition of Nguni cattle in South Africa ■ Foot & mouth disease ■ Optimising crossbreeding ■ Crossbreeding with indigenous breeds holds the key to sustainable beef production in the era of climate change ■ Genetic Selection for Production Efficiency in Beef Cattle revisited ■ The status and future of the Nguni relative to other breeds ■ Satisfying the beef industry and ultimately the consumer ■ What livestock farmers need to know about climate change ■ The quest for ecological cattle farming with Nguni's ■ Steps in the compilation of a grazing management system ■ Livestock fundamentals for the future ■ Beef carcass classification and grading ■ Brand marks vs herd designation marks ■ Creep feed for calves
■ Cross-breed with the adapted Nguni breed for highter returns ■ Ease of calving ■ Four cows ■ Functional efficiency revisited: Using one of the main pillars when selecting productive cattle ■ Growth patterns of beef cattle ■ Identification of beef cattle ■ Making sense out of maturity types in beef cattle ■ Mother knows best ■ Nguni cattle ready for climate change ■ Performance of Nguni and Nguni x Angus calves ■ Producing an efficient cow herd ■ Reproduction - the most important trait ■ The advantages of crossbreeding in beef cattle ■ The value of breeding seasons ■ The value of ICAR membership ■ Why breed for 60 days?
■ An additional quality system ■ Breeding values for fertility ■ Elite toekennings / awards ■ Fokus op jou sterkpunte ■ Future-mindedness: Producing promising prospects for chattel, cattle and capital ■ Genomics perspective ■ Good Reads: Understanding animal breeding ■ Investigation into the precision feeding and performance of Nguni cattle in a feedlot environment ■ Is scientific breeding contradictory to veld productivity? ■ Mixed Production Unit & Grootfontein Agricultural College ■ Optimalisering van koeikudde doeltreffendheid ■ Photography: Do's and Don'ts ■ Protein nutrition in beef animals ■ - A complete decision tool for beef cattle breeding ■ Some facts, myths & perceptions in animal breeding ■ Telersgenootskappe: 'n Toekomsperspektief ■ The Nguni Journey ■ Uit die mond van ons boere ■ Water: The most important nutrient for cattle ■ Water is life: Respect it, Conserve it and Enjoy it!
■ Betekenis van ICAR lidmaatskap ■ Breeding values for longevity ■ Die karkas- en vleiskwaliteite van die Nguni ■ Genetiese produksievlak ■ Groeitoetse van jong Ngunibulletjies ■ Ideale moederlyn vir vleisproduksie ■ Kantoor verslag ■ Leadership essentials ■ Mating systems ■ Meissnertabelle ■ Mixed Production Unit & Grootfontein College ■ New perspective on the origin of Nguni cattle ■ Nguni & Suid-Afrikaanse produksiestelsel ■ Om te meet is om te weet ■ Rumenflora en die invloed daarvan op aanpasbaarheid ■ Selecting for calf - cow ratio ■ Sorg vir jou weiplante ■ Synergy in data recording - Part 1 ■ Synergy in data recording - Part 2 ■ The role of DNA analysis in the breeding of animals ■ Unique but part of a bigger world ■ Veldbrande
■ Voedingaanvulling van 'n veldkudde ■ Afronding op veld of aangeplante weiding ■ Bees brusellose - sit ons op 'n tydbom? ■ Beginsels vir volhoubare weiveldbenutting ■ Breeding strategies for Nguni Cattle ■ Cow values - A combined genetic selection index for South African Beef Cattle Breeders ■ Genetic improvement of the cow herd ■ Genomic selection and how it fits into BLUP breeding values ■ Good leadership ■ Growth, size & efficiency of Nguni cattle for optimum adaptation and reproductive efficiency ■ Inbreeding vs Line-breeding ■ Innovasie is slegs vir almal ■ Kontemporêre groepe ■ Laer energie rantsoen as alternatief vir die Nguni ■ Curing hints for cow hides, game skins and trophies ■ Picking the right bull ■ Praktiese veldbestuursriglyne na krisisdroogtes ■ Weaner calf vs. Ox ■ Teelseisoene ■ Turksvye - Die vergete staatmaker ■ Voorkoms evaluasie volgens norme van funksionele doeltreffendheid ■ When the going gets tough, keep on marketing ■ Winsgewende Nguni-teler
2015 JOURNAL ■ Alternative Marketing Strategies for Indigenous Beef Cattle ■ Description of Nguni Cattle ■ Die Evaluering van die Nguni Koei in Terminale Kruisteling ■ Growth of a Foetus in the Cow ■ Rooiwater in Suid Afrika ■ RPO - Nerpo Kode van Beste Praktyke ■ RPO Newsletter ■ Seleksiebesluite vir die Kommersiële Vleisveeboere ■ Terminal Crossing: A Practical Example ■ The Effect of a Geographical Area and Ecotype on the Performance of Nguni Cattle
2014 JOURNAL ■ A breeding objective that may reduce the carbon footprint of extensive cow-calf production systems ■ Breeding ideas for tomorrow ■ Do not underestimate Brucellosis ■ Evaluation of communal beef production systems at different production levels and systems ■ Frame size, management and profitability ■ Projek oor effektiewe kruisteling by vleisbeeste met inheemse moederlyne en gespesialiseerde vaderlyne ■ Raamtipe, bestuur en wins ■ The evaluation of breeding strategies with the objective of enhancing sustainable beef production in Namibia ■ Wat moet voornemende stoettelers doen om suksesvol te wees
2013 JOURNAL ■ Angus x Nguni progress ■ DNS profiele ■ Income potential ■ Nguni Eko-bees ■ Nguni sale prices ■ Office report 2013 ■ Practical Bull Management ■ Prestasietoetsing - Wat is die Voordele ■ Reproduction Index ■ Skrotum variasies en die implikasies daarvan
2012 JOURNAL ■ Boodskap van President ■ Breeding Values ■ Chair Persons 2012 ■ Challenges for Beef Production ■ Culling Poster ■ Gebruik DNS ■ Genomika en die Vleisbeesteler ■ Horings Ja of Nee ■ Ledelys 2012 ■ Nguni Awards ■ Nguni Website ■ Ngunis in the Ocean ■ Office Report ■ Ondersoek na die Reproduksieprestasie van Geregistreerde Ngunikoeie ■ Produksiepotensiaal van Nguni Kruisings ■ Selection and Management of Heifers ■ Teelwaardes - Hoe om dit te verstaan ■ Trichomonosis ■ Veilingspryse ■ Veld Management ■ Horns: Yes or No? ■ Production potential of Nguni crosses
2011 JOURNAL ■ Nguni Cattle Breeders' Society Office Report 2011 ■ The Nguni Cattle Breeders' Society 1986 -2011 (Part 1) ■ The Nguni Cattle Breeders' Society 1986 -2011 (Part 2) ■ The Nguni Cattle Breeders' Society 1986 -2011 (Part 3) ■ 2010 Average Sale Prices on sales held under the Auspices ■ The Nguni and climate change: Challenges and opportunities ■ Vaccinate now against wet season ■ Raskeuse - Breë riglyne vir beginner beesboere ■ Koei kalf produksie en inkomste senario's ■ The value of Central and on-farm performance Tests ■ Die waarde van sentrale en op-die-plaas prestasietoetse ■ Oliver - of the Bushveld (Part 1) ■ Oliver - of the Bushveld (Part 2) ■ Nguni - An indigenous cattle breed for africa ■ LNR beste produserende koeie toekennings - vereistes ■ Breed characterization studies in Namibia ■ My rede hoekom ek met Nguni's boer ■ DNA toetse by beeste
2010 JOURNAL ■ Hoe lyk die beginsels van goeie veldbestuur? ■ Nguni Cattle - A breed of national importance ■ Inbreeding - Is it a tool to be used by cattle breeders? ■ Doeltreffende seleksie vir meer produktiewe (doeltreffende) beeste ■ Waarom is keuring by die Nguni noodsaaklik ■ Bestuur van die verse en eerstekalfkoeie vir verhoogde reproduksie ■ Die oorerwing van poenskop-gene ■ Beesvleisbedryf Vooruitsigte Positief ■ Prestasie van Nguni kruis kalwers in 'n "background" sisteem ■ Die Nguni in terminale kruisteling ■ Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus ■ Elektroniese Data Voordele en Besparing
2009 JOURNAL ■ Beesvirusdiarree (BVD) Infeksie ■ Die effek van reproduksie ■ Fire ■ Inteling en die effek ■ Logix ■ 'n Terugblik Kaokoland 1966 ■ Nampo 2008 ■ Nguni Development Project in Limpopo ■ Reproduksie se invloed op seleksie en wins ■ Seleksiedoelwitte fakore belangrik in Nguni kudde ■ Seleksiedoelwitte kwantifisering deur teelwaardes ■ The role of cattle at Lion Match Forestry
2008 JOURNAL ■ Does size count ■ From the breed of the past to high beef quality ■ Genetiese defekte en die potensiaal van die Nguni ■ Grazing behaviour en moving activities ■ Introduction to Nguni ecotypes ■ Kombinasie van wild en beeste ■ 'n Klein voerkraal eienaar se positiewe ondervinging ■ Read more on our website ■ The demographics of the registered Nguni females ■ The Nguni as a source for research ■ Voerkraal se perspektief
2007 JOURNAL ■ Branding of cattle ■ Breeding veld productive cattle ■ Description of Nguni cattle ■ Discussion of cow efficiency measures ■ East Cape Club ■ Emoyeni Nguni Project ■ Hoekom met Ngunis kruis ■ Linebreeding ■ Nguni Cattle cc Veld Bull Project ■ Nguni Cattle of Southern Africa ■ Nguni - Nature's Masterpiece ■ SA Stamboek ■ Seleksie van diere ■ Tough cattle, Tender beef ■ Vleis van die veld ■ Waarom is objektiewe metings
2006 JOURNAL ■ Inteling ■ Is the Nguni adapted to low quality pastures ■ The contribution of research ■ Weiveld evaluering
2005 JOURNAL ■ Feedlot performance of Nguni ■ Genotype by ecological region interaction ■ History and background of the Nguni ■ 'n Ondersoek na groei-eienskappe ■ Pinnacle of an adapted breed ■ The potential of the Nguni as a dam line ■ Tick resistance in the Nguni breed
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